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Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Friday. The sun will eventually set and shabbos will be here. I'm optimistic about a decent day but I already muffed dinner preparation, though will be able to remedy this having gotten up a half hour earlier.

Been a little more relentless in pursuit of some of the goals that I set a few weeks ago. Started articulating some of them to outsiders. Let's see how I actually did yesterday.

Job: articulated my willingness to take one, made inquiry to cdc, reviewed institute of medicine site and contacted a director. not bad pursuit.

Kitchen: I'm trying to purge containers but really didn't do what I had hoped yesterday.

Workspaces: Really did nada. I think this one benefits from a few concentrated efforts.

Writing: I wrote a rather good essay on the state of psychiatry for medscape. It's gotten very little comment. I spoke to two younger physicians about the decline in physician care at cchs, which will eventually become a good theme for something like "On Being a Doctor".

Friends: I contacted somebody at the IOM. This organization could be a great intro for new friendships.

Health: I've been making a concerted and reasonably successful effort to eat at mid-day. This seems to be making me less voracious at supper and beyond.

Today's Intent:

Job: Follow up JCAHO
Kitchen: Soak Fleishig dishes
Workspaces: No plans
Writing: Probably ought to work on JCC and/or Med Society pieces
Friends: No specific plans
Health: Treat myself to lunch out and write in my journal.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hello to me. No office patients yesterday. I rid my desk of enough charts to see to the other end, then tackled some papers. I still have piles of charts on the perimeter of the desk in all states of disrepair, unreported lab work behind me, undictated charts beneath me. And there are more to come. This is not what I want to be doing until retirement so I need to make some serious revisions, starting with what else I might like to do instead. Yes, there are some things that still energize me. The patients do, but only when they are in my presence. My colleagues do, or at least their activities and decisions do. There is a desparate need for some type of reform so perhaps I could give up the onorous tasks to become a reformer.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

iggles. playoff today. this keeps me at home doing useful stuff instead of traipsing around in the car like i do most sundays. i could use the rest and relaxation, along with a chance to catch up on some of my personal projects, of which i've named six.

  1. I think it's time to replace my practice with a job.
  2. My kitchen should work the way I'd like it to.
  3. My workspaces should be usable and pleasant.
  4. My writing should be submitted for publication
  5. I will make four new friends.
  6. I will meet my health goals.

None of these seem outlandish.
