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Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Friday. The sun will eventually set and shabbos will be here. I'm optimistic about a decent day but I already muffed dinner preparation, though will be able to remedy this having gotten up a half hour earlier.

Been a little more relentless in pursuit of some of the goals that I set a few weeks ago. Started articulating some of them to outsiders. Let's see how I actually did yesterday.

Job: articulated my willingness to take one, made inquiry to cdc, reviewed institute of medicine site and contacted a director. not bad pursuit.

Kitchen: I'm trying to purge containers but really didn't do what I had hoped yesterday.

Workspaces: Really did nada. I think this one benefits from a few concentrated efforts.

Writing: I wrote a rather good essay on the state of psychiatry for medscape. It's gotten very little comment. I spoke to two younger physicians about the decline in physician care at cchs, which will eventually become a good theme for something like "On Being a Doctor".

Friends: I contacted somebody at the IOM. This organization could be a great intro for new friendships.

Health: I've been making a concerted and reasonably successful effort to eat at mid-day. This seems to be making me less voracious at supper and beyond.

Today's Intent:

Job: Follow up JCAHO
Kitchen: Soak Fleishig dishes
Workspaces: No plans
Writing: Probably ought to work on JCC and/or Med Society pieces
Friends: No specific plans
Health: Treat myself to lunch out and write in my journal.

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